Is GPT-4 the best tool for translating text? A Comprehensive Comparison

Discover which AI translation model tops the charts in translating websites accurately. Compare GPT-4, DeepL, and Google Translate across multiple criteria.

May 2, 2024



In today’s globalized digital world, the ability to communicate across language barriers is more crucial than ever. Businesses expanding internationally and content creators reaching diverse audiences rely heavily on translation technologies. This article delves into the effectiveness of leading AI translation models: GPT-4, DeepL, and Google Translate, to determine which is best suited for website translation.

Criteria for Comparison

We have selected four main criteria to benchmark these AI translation giants:

  1. Grammatical Correctness: Evaluated by professional human translators.
  2. Contextual Correctness: Does the translation make sense within the broader context?
  3. Cost per Translation: Comparing the pricing models.
  4. Best for Website Translation: Effectiveness specifically for translating web content.

Overview of Each AI Model


Developed by OpenAI, GPT-4 not only translates text but also integrates contextual cues from surrounding content and the structure of web pages, such as headlines or bullet points. This model leverages deep learning to understand and preserve the nuances of language.


Known for its high-quality translations, DeepL uses linguistic data to produce more naturally sounding text. It is favored for personal and professional translations thanks to its attention to subtle language details.

Google Translate

As one of the most accessible and widely used translation tools, Google Translate supports a vast array of languages. It uses powerful machine learning models to continually improve its translations based on vast amounts of web data.

Detailed Comparison


We conducted tests by translating various types of web content, including articles and product descriptions, from English into several major languages such as Spanish and Chinese. We passed the translations to three translators, and a human translation expert assessed the number of corrections needed. This process helped us calculate the accuracy in percentages. An accuracy of 100% indicates that no corrections were needed.


For the test with GPT-4, we constructed a specific prompt designed for translating websites. This prompt enables us to provide the context of HTML elements, such as whether the current translation is for a button, headline, or popup. Understanding the purpose of the text helps the AI make more informed translations.

Additionally, we include surrounding text elements which further aid the AI in understanding the context. Lastly, we summarize the website in one sentence, for example, "This website offers bookkeeping services." This brief overview allows the AI to interpret specific terms more accurately.

GPT-4 translation accuracy


  • Contextual Integration: GPT-4's standout feature is its ability to understand and integrate the context from surrounding text and web page structure. This capability ensures translations that are not just accurate in language but also in meaning, particularly in dynamic web environments where context changes frequently.
  • Grammatical Accuracy: Tests show that GPT-4 frequently outperforms other models in grammatical correctness, making it a reliable choice for translating complex sentence structures without compromising the integrity of the language.


  • Cost: While GPT-4 provides superior translation quality, it may come at a higher cost, especially for businesses requiring large volume translations or those needing advanced features. This could be a limiting factor for smaller entities or individual users.
  • Complexity in Implementation: Integrating GPT-4 effectively may require more technical expertise to manage contextual data and optimize the AI for specific translation needs, potentially increasing the time and resources needed for setup.


The DeepL API allows us to submit HTML files or multiple text snippets simultaneously. We decided to provide as many text snippets as possible at once to give DeepL more context, which enhances the quality of the translation. However, one issue we encountered was the inability to specify the format for the returned translations, which resulted in inconsistent outputs.

DeepL translation accuracy


  • Natural Language Output: Known for its refined translations, DeepL produces text that often feels more natural and faithful to the target language's nuances. This is particularly beneficial for formal documents and publications where tone and style are crucial.
  • Consistency: DeepL maintains a high level of consistency in translation quality across various languages, supported by its deep learning algorithms that continuously learn from linguistic data.


  • Limited Language Options: Compared to Google Translate, DeepL offers fewer languages, which might restrict its utility for users needing translations in less commonly spoken languages.
  • Pricing Model: DeepL's advanced features, such as the use of its API for integrating translations into web content, come with subscription costs, which could be higher than those of some competitors, depending on usage volumes.

Google Translate

The Google Translator API exhibited the lowest accuracy among the tools we tested. This was not necessarily due to poor translation capabilities, but rather because accurate website translation requires an understanding of context that goes beyond the text itself. When provided only with the text, the Google Translator API often produced translations that, while technically correct, were completely out of context when placed back into the website environment.

Google Translator translation accuracy


  • Accessibility and Cost: Google Translate is widely accessible and free for basic uses, making it an excellent option for quick translations or for individuals and businesses on a tight budget.
  • Broad Language Support: It supports a vast array of languages and dialects, making it incredibly versatile for global reach.


  • Lower Accuracy in Complex Contexts: While Google Translate is adequate for straightforward texts, it often falls short in handling complex sentences or nuanced contextual translations compared to GPT-4 and DeepL.
  • Dependence on Web Data: Its translations are heavily reliant on the availability of web data, which can lead to inconsistencies or inaccuracies in less-represented languages or specific technical jargons.

Results Analysis

  • Grammatical Correctness: GPT-4 and DeepL frequently outperformed Google Translate, with fewer grammatical errors.
  • Contextual Correctness: GPT-4 excelled by understanding the context provided by surrounding text and HTML tags, making it more reliable for web content.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Google Translate offers a free service for basic uses, but for higher volumes or professional use, DeepL and GPT-4 present plans that vary in cost efficiency based on volume and features.
  • Best for Website Translation: GPT-4 stood out due to its ability to integrate additional context, crucial for translating dynamic website content.

Expert Opinions and User Reviews

Industry experts and casual users alike praise GPT-4 for its contextual translation capabilities, noting that it offers significant advantages in maintaining the intended meaning and tone. User reviews highlight DeepL for routine document translations and Google Translate for quick, informal translations.


After comparing these AI models across various criteria, GPT-4 emerges as the best option for website translation. Its ability to process contextual and structural information from web pages makes it uniquely capable in handling the complexities of web content translation.


Q: What role does context play in AI-powered translation?
A: Context is critical in translation because it helps the AI understand the intent and nuances of the original text, which is essential for delivering accurate and meaningful translations. AI models like GPT-4, which can integrate contextual cues from surrounding text and web page structure, tend to perform better in translating dynamic web content accurately.

Q: Can AI translation tools replace human translators?
A: While AI translation tools have significantly advanced and can handle many translation tasks effectively, they cannot fully replace human translators. Human expertise is still crucial for translations that require deep cultural insights, emotional nuances, and contextual understanding, especially in professional or literary contexts.

Q: Which AI translation tool offers the best value for money?
A: The best value depends on your specific needs. For basic, quick translations, Google Translate offers great value as it is free and supports a wide range of languages. For more professional needs, where accuracy and context are crucial, GPT-4 and DeepL may be better despite the higher cost, due to their advanced features and superior performance in complex translations.

Q: How do these AI tools handle different languages and dialects?
A: Google Translate has the broadest language support, which makes it incredibly versatile globally. However, its accuracy can vary significantly between languages, especially less commonly spoken ones. DeepL excels in European languages with very nuanced translations, while GPT-4 is generally strong across major languages due to its deep learning capabilities and context integration.

Q: Are there any specific features that make one AI tool preferable over others for web content translation?
A: Yes, for translating web content, the ability to understand and integrate the context of the web page significantly impacts the quality of translation. GPT-4 stands out in this regard because it can process additional contextual and structural information, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and relevance of web content in translation.